The most beautiful beverage a person can consume
Thurst quenching and refreshing
Wow its warm today i could really use a glass of sparkling water
by Haydayfarmer1 April 9, 2021
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The worst form of carbonated drink. It’s like angry water.
“Hey bro you want some sparkling water

by Bakuclout July 13, 2018
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Person 1 - I’ll have some sparkling water

Person 2 - why? It’s tastes like pins and needles
by BestCC October 24, 2019
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Something that gay men, English Teachers, Karens, and Spongebob Squarepants have
sally: Woah thats your 15th can today!
John: I have a Sparkling Water Addiction, i can't help it.
by PrdflS8n March 9, 2021
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It's actually the same as regular sparkling water, just with a different label.
Bob: "Hey, is this unflavored sparkling water?"
Bob 2: "Yeah, this is unflavored sparkling water."
by betotrooba August 29, 2022
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The Flat Sparkling Water Paradox is a VERY well known hypothesis that the only true way to describe sparkling water is by describing it as flat water.

Which some people would just say is still water but they would in fact be incorrect. This is because despite the flat taste of sparkling water, it is still carbonated, therefore, meaning it is still sparkling water.

So as a result of this carbonated beverage tasting flat we come to the understanding that this is indeed the Flat Sparkling Water Paradox.
Friend 1: This sparkling water tastes awful, it just tastes like flat water.

Friend 2: That makes no sense but also hundreds of sense at the same time.

Friend 1: Wow that sounds like some real Flat Sparkling Water Paradox
by SparklingWaterResearcher May 16, 2022
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Tastes like TV static. Absolute shit.
I saw someone on the road starving so I gave him sparkling water and said - “Andrew Tate will be pleased”.
by Ligament May 25, 2023
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