1.A mug, especially one for beer, usually holding about a pint that is silver.

2. A great Emo band.
1. I drink my beer out of a silver stein.

2. I like to listen to Silverstein.

PS. I don't really drink.
by Shermanation July 14, 2006
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Shitty(emo) band that sounds like My Chemical Romance with orgy-like screams.
Deperssed bitch: liek omehG Silverstein si teh kickassorzz!!11!!oneunoroflcake

Jeff Hanneman: Shut that fucking mouth or I will melt your face off shredding AOD!
by Cliff Jr. June 3, 2006
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The man behind brillant works such as Where The Sidewalk Ends, Dirty Feet, Falling Up, The Missing Peice, Freakin' At The Freakers Ball, The Big O, The Giving Tree, Diffrent Dances, A Light In The Attic, and most recently, Runny Babbit. He also wrote the Johnny Cash hit, 'A Boy Named Sue.' He was an amazing writer, poet, musician, and artist.
Shel Silverstein is dearly missed by his fans.

Shel Silverstein

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty peom,
Sing a mumble-grumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance,
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.
-Shel Silverstein
by Kompassion Kid September 2, 2005
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The god of ALL poetry.
Rest in peace, Shel Silverstein :'(

"Needles and pins
Needles and pins
Sew me a sail
To catch me the wind"
-Needles and Pins, Shel Silverstein
by ~C February 7, 2009
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when you take a girl home from the bar, she drops a deuce before, you start banging her, she has her period all over your bed, you pretend to cum, you tell her to leave, and to top it off you send her a venmo request for new sheets
wow i really shell silversteined that girl last night
by mrmccoy19 June 26, 2019
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I like carrots 🥕 XD
Hi Avery Silverstein

Bye Avery Silverstein
by tacos-and-twilight November 18, 2019
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The act of a band who used to be good/heavy/hardcore transforming into corporate emo tools of the music industry
dude, atreyu used to be decent, but they totally got silversteined
by Str8M3t4l December 1, 2009
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