when your girlfriend falls asleep before you, you masterbate and cum on her eyes. Then when she wakes up in the morning her eyes will be dried closed with jizz and she will not be able to see
"last ngiht i gave shella the ray charles and when she woke up she actually thought she was blind"
by big lang July 10, 2009
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God is love, love is blind, Ray Charles is blind, therefore Ray Charles is God
Person 1: Ray Charles was great!
Person 2: No shit, hes God.
by Matthews October 22, 2005
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The Ray Charles is an action that occurs when someone gets so high that all they can do is grab their arms and tilt their head back and sit there for an hour... Resulting in someone who looks just like the famous photo of Ray Charles at the Apollo theater in 1990.
Dude, Jennifer smoked a blueberry bud and hash bowl out of my glass gravity bong and she was totally doing The Ray Charles... I wish I could have gotten that on video!
by GrowTech March 8, 2009
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To do something fuckin sick without the use of your vision
Threw a sticky grenade in a grav lift and blew up a motherfucker, Ray Charles it
by Baldragoeatspussy December 5, 2021
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a threesome consisting of one male anally pentrating the girl doggie style, while another male/female is in 69 position eating the girl out. The man's balls will cover the eyes of the one 69'ing, leaving them blind....hence, the RAY CHARLES
I got the ray charles last night when i was licking that chicks box.
by Clifford Wentworth June 18, 2006
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When you cum in a persons eyes they flail their arms around in pain, like they are playing a piano (They are also blinded in the process).
Dude, my wife was sucking me off last night and I totally Ray Charles'd her! I laughed my ass off!
by J McIntyre November 13, 2006
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The act of pissing in your special someones eyes while they sing "Georgia" from Ray Charles ,Matching every note with a combination of queef and farts
Bob: Hey Paul i gave my dads daughters moms only son a Ray Charles last night

Paul:Thats one ripping story young chap-a-dingo HaHHZAHH!!!
by Man That Chooses To be Werid October 23, 2010
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