Gigantic cocks that you know that you want to have inside of you😰
Oh how I love penut butter pickles adj.
by Pandasorplays March 8, 2016
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To be very doubtful or surprised to the highest degree
I’d be Dipped in shit and rolled in penuts if that kid wasn’t a TOL
by SwankBank May 19, 2018
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The act of being a peanut
Person A: What's he doing??
Person B: Penutting.
by Feetous Deletous January 29, 2021
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a goblin looking dog (pugalier) who is the same color as a roasted peanut and has the personality of a grumpalumpagas.
What kind of a dog is he?”
“He’s a penut.”
by nuthander14 May 25, 2023
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bro have you seen cass's penuts? its tiny!
by Theweinergrabber January 25, 2022
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