PNR stands for POST-NUT REGRET. It's that time you just couldn't wait long enough, and now you're sad to see it all went so fast. The time where afterwards you realized you weren't wearing a condom. The time when you just didn't want to clean it up, or you put it somewhere outrageous. The time when you just needed some so you hooked up with that masculine but ugly chick and realized it was a bad idea. That time where you realized you weren't just friends with benefits. That time when she used your jizz to lubricate your own ass and have fun with it, meanwhile you're so overwhelmed with emotion and tired from all the work that you can't do anything about it.
John: Hey man remember that ugly chick from the movie that kept hitting on me?
Jackson: Yeah? What about her?
John: She wouldn't leave up, so I took the free swing. I forgot to use a condom, and I had the biggest sense of PNR I think I've ever had.
Jackson: You better keep watch on that one man. Good luck.
by Cyrus Sly Fox February 3, 2016
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Post Nut Regret

The moment after you nut and you think wow what have I'm been watching for the past 20 minutes.
After Johnny nut he had PNR because he found himself watching weird midget porn.
by IrishDounut January 29, 2016
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