A very sexy person that happens to play in an orchestra.
Dang...'Dem Orch Dorks got 'fine' written all over 'dem...
by Kung Pow June 8, 2006
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The coolest kids in the music hallway. They know how to have fun and be crazy but are always overlooked by everyone else and pretty much unknown. They hate being called a band geek because they are NOT A PART OF BAND. The sexiest, coolest, dopiest kids on the block. Love them because they will rule you.
Oh look that Orch Dork is soooo cool :)
by livelovelearnlaugh October 25, 2010
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People that play violin, viola, cello, and/or bass in the orchestra or youth symphony. The awesomest people you'll ever meet. We totally beat the band geeks and the choir queers and don't let anyone tell you differently. We're a lot more mature and we don't feel the need to be the center of attention. Orch dorks also have a lot more fun in their own strange and perplexing way which you would only understand if you were an orch dork yourself.
Bob: Let's go hang out with the orch dorks! They always have such a fun time.

Fred: Yeah! Love those guys!
by Trebletrouble October 3, 2009
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Orch Dork - a talented person who works their butt off playing an instrument violin, viola, cello, bass, harp, piano for the betterment of their life...aka Orchestra! Note: Mess with an Orch Dork = committing suicide. We all come after you and bash our instruments yes, even the bass on your head until you can accept the fact that we rock harder than the Band and Choir combined. That's right. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
Orch Dorks rock the Fine Arts building! ;)
by Theresa October 13, 2004
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One who plays in orchestra, hangs out with bandos(see also Band Geek,Band Dork) at times. When they combine there forces with the bandos and choir kids they can destroy everything (insert O Fortuna here). However they and the other groups mentioned choose to use their power for good. Orch Dorks use their power to make their instruments not sound like a chorus of dieing cats
The Orch Dork lives in the orchestra room.
by Squirrel Lord November 9, 2005
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The smart people who play violin, viola, bass, or CELLO. They are smarter than the choir kids, and better looking than the band geeks, but they still hang out with them. Orch Dorks try not to associate with people who aren't musically inclined. Many orchesta wannabes try to be like orch dorks, but end up being hated by everyone. So as a warning to non-musically inclined people, do not join orchestra, band, or chorus!
The concert featuring the whole music program was awesome! Those orch dorks blew us away!!!
by Ninja Burger June 29, 2010
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check out the number of "band geek" definitions versus "orch dorks." band wins. YAY BAND!
by titaness06 October 6, 2005
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