Website similar to Urban Dictionary, except in that it defines old phrases and sayings instead of slang. Can be used to decipher what the hell your parents are talking about, or to sharpen up for the next grueling conversation with your grandparents.
I had no idea what my Dad was talking about until I went to Olden Dictionary...
by mewt1900 May 17, 2011
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The excess spit or spiddle expelled from an elderly person's mouth. This most frequently occurs while they are retelling long stories from "back in their day." It has been rumored that collecting this olden spiddle and putting it in your boots will bless you with protection from certain outside threats, however, this has never been successfully proven.
Oldman Miller: Back in my day, we didn't have boots like you do, we had to make our boots from scratch, and we had to use charcoal, but the charcoal would go out before you were done...

Crazy Bob: Get the olden spiddle, put it in your boots!
by The_Hawk August 9, 2009
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When you ring out an adult diaper on someone as a sexual act.
Last night granny gave me an olden shower.
by Dlocbot January 8, 2019
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