a large male with sexy phat ass has a great pork wand and participates in a ritual bum night every Friday with his fuck buddy Giovanni totra .Neville has great hair and he shaves his head he will look ugly .neville is a big phat stoner and rips maaaaad bongs brooooo yeaaah brooo

other versions of this word could be nev ,nevos,neveloski
yo im going for a bong with neville
by nevillenewisababe July 17, 2019
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Someone who is nice and evil.
He was evil, but now he's nevil
by UnicornsPurcell May 14, 2015
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A sexy PARSI scientist who has an inclination for the booty
"That boy in our class is such a dork!"
--"Naw, he's a neville!"
by julij September 28, 2007
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The name of a person who usually like to "travel".
Neville, stop traveling!
by Pierce James. July 17, 2010
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A person who thinks he or she is always correct.

My boss is such a Nevill
by Idkgfy March 29, 2017
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A person who shows the traits of ineptitude, incompetence and general numb-skullery; a person with little awareness of those around them and their surroundings; frequently leaves those around them questioning 'what on earth was that all about?'; induces much head-scratching; displays some traits of a reprobate.
"What on earth was that all about?
How badly was he/she dribbling....what a neville."
by nevillejudger September 15, 2009
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To get absolutely intoxicated beyond belief with alcoholic substances.
I got right nevilled last night

Let's get nevilled tonight!!
by lorox March 6, 2010
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