Something Like lol.. standing for Laughing in my Head
Jackie: Thats what she said
Cory: limh.. thats funny
by CoolC June 2, 2007
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an acronym for "Laugh In My Head" to replace the overused lol or LOL

If you were actually LOL all the time in real life, people would think you were absolutely bonkers.

LIMH is a polite way to say, "Hey, that was mildly humorous, not enough to LOL but still a bit funny"
"I swear, if that person got any stinkier I might need a gas mask!"

by KrudeKnitter January 14, 2010
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Laughing In My Head
The opposite (antonym)of LOL - Laughing Out Loud

As opposed to LOL.

B/C Really - how often do you actually Laugh Out Loud?

I was LIMH when "Joe" told me that joke in his instant message.

"Joe" sent me a really funny text message today and I was LIMH.
by CaveCreekGirl March 25, 2009
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1. Laughing In My Head - much more accurate than LOL

2. "IMH" Can also can be used as an addition to previously incorrectly stated LOLs.
ChatGuy101: Yo, why you get that decal done on yo car Jerome? Aw homie, it's just 4 sho!
Chatgirl101: limh what is that from
Chatguy101: dkno just made it up
Chatgirl101: nice

Chatguy101: I misread your type, thought it said "my favorite undies!"
Chatgirl101: lmao!
Chatguy101: *gasp* wont that wake ur rents?
Chatgirl101: (IMH)
Chatguy101: OIC
by Zaen August 8, 2008
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abbreveation of laughing in my head.-funny, but you make no laughter, i have made this to replace "lol" because noones really laughing out loud.
me: i sneezed.
me:thats not funny, there's no way you laughed in real life.
me: thats more like it.
by cameron maugh December 18, 2008
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1. Laughing In My Head (LIMH);
2. Inside joke;
3. Silently laughing
Instead of saying LOL (laughing out loud)
You say LIMH (laughing in my head)
by EricaGunZz March 20, 2008
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Laugh in my head, like LOL(laugh out loud) except for not literally laughing out loud, laughing in your head. usually used in text messaging
by nesluapAIVILO May 6, 2009
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