Noun. A derogatory term for someone who is Catholic.
Sammi, is nothing but a lic, she wont even make me a sandwhich.

Are you going to midnight mass with all those dirty lics?
by Reisdorph April 12, 2010
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LIC: Lack of Institutional Control for universities clearly cheating and violating the rules.
USC is about to get slapped with LIC for all the cheating they have been doing.

Of course, the NCAA seems to be a paper tiger so they will slap Little Brothers of the Seven Seas U with a LIC to make a point against the cheating by USC.
by concerneddenizen May 8, 2010
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A smart and pretty girl eho everyone want to be her
by Piggy6g7h June 5, 2020
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Is a dumb ass bitch who can’t do maths or read
“Omg Alice is sooo lic
by Iconicalice June 5, 2020
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when u rob somebody car or house or even school locker
bro, that nigga jaren wasnt at home and he left his doors unlocked with his dumb azz, i hit a lic in dat bytch

i hit a lic when raven wasnt at her locker she had a itouch
by patrysha April 4, 2009
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