Lexin is the type of guy you drool over, he is tall, sexy, handsome, and could probably bench your mum's mercedes with his right nostril. Girls creme at the sight of Lexin, because they've never experienced such an alpha site in their lives. Lexin is also the best friend one could ever have, with big dreams and an even bigger heart. Best of all if you get to know him better he'll show his 12inch package *wink*
girl 1: "hey whos that cutie"
girl 2: "that's lexin, I was all over him last night"
girl 1: " I think I just cam"
girl 2: " uh same"
by lexinlover.com March 26, 2022
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Pronounced as “Lex - in”

Lexine is the most beautiful boy in the world whether he sees it or not. He is social, intelligent, and sweet. He isn’t fake, and doesn’t talk behind peoples back’s. He has been through many hard times but is always trying to help others out. His best friend doesn’t deserve him. No one does. He is the best friend anyone could ask for. If you have an Lexine, keep him close to your heart because he is special. He is the reason why i’m still alive. He is the most thoughtful and funny boy I know. Without him the world would stop turning, the sun would stop shining, and the people would stop smiling. If Lexine is your best friend, never let him go because I promise you will never, ever, ever get someone like him. You will never even get someone close. Love your Lexine with all of your heart, and when you have no more love left to give, love him some more. He deserves it more than anyone. Don’t take him for granted. Let him know all the time he is pretty and smart and priceless and that you love him, that you love him more than anything. If you have a Lexine in your life, love him. Please. Love him with your whole heart and soul.
I love Lexine so much man
by it’s me. November 23, 2021
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1) A quiet and lonely girl who sits alone During lunch.
2) An artistic girl who likes to draw penis everywhere and have sexual thoughts.
3) A short girl who talks shit behind everyone’s back.
Brian: “hey look that Lexine girl is drawing a penis again”
by Guacamolepeniseater July 7, 2020
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