a seller of "blue peter" style lie-detectors,
a tin-can recycler of the worst kind,
a failed sci-fi writer (per the critics),
a successful sci-fi writer (per his bank manager),
a dopey dead dude.
I am totally bankrupt, she blubbered,
For the cash that I kept in the cupboard,
Was sent to the stars
by some men in flash cars
Who were trained by the late L. Ron Hubbard.
by Patrick_not_a_username June 13, 2006
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Quite posaily the stupidest man to ever live on the face of the earth. Invented Scientologly. A terrible cult like reiligon. That belive lord Xenu put alien souls inside of you. The only way to get them out is with the e-machine AKA (tin cans).
L. Ron Hubbard was kicked at of all countrys he tryed to excape to.
by JBandBro, Eli Koz, Ncon3000 January 20, 2006
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The second greatest liar in history, with first being Moses.
"Man, If I could tell a lie like L ron Hubbard, I could get Tom Cruise to give me money.
-Friend #1

"If I could tell a lie as well as Moses I could make another world religion and have millions of them killed by Nazi's!"
-Friend #2
by the retarded dictionary August 11, 2008
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