I’m having a birthday party this day because it’s my birthday on July 3rd I’ll invite you
July 3rd
by My moms kitchen October 29, 2019
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July 3rd is national TzuyuBot Deactivation day.
I cant believe July 3rd is coming up!
by iHateSuzy123 July 2, 2021
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July 3rd is national bully kisekui day
It’s July 3rd, that means we need to bully kisekui!
by kisekui July 2, 2021
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Jumping the gun and celebrating too much the night before a celebration then being too hungover to attend.
Host: "We missed you at the bbq, where were you?"
Loser: "I totally July 3rded it and could not get out of bed all day"
by Mrs Beanie July 6, 2009
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If you were born on July 3rd, You're a little furry who hails America and is very GAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy: Hey it's July 3rd, My birthday!!
Other Guy: Oh that explains so much bruh
Guy: What
Other Guy: Yeah :3
by MatrixIsBad November 9, 2022
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A day of a birthday to a pretty, cute, light skinned, loyal, girl named Reyauna 🗿🗿
Hoe #1 - Omg tomorrow is July 3rd,
Hoe#2 - yea ik, I cant wait til 4th of July
Hoe #1 - no bitch, July 3rd. REYAUNAS birthday.
fucking dumb
by Glossyist October 15, 2019
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the friendship between these two dates will last for ever as they are soulmates. they will meet at a young age and will grow old together they are the for each other through everything and even when they fall out, there arguments will never break the friendship. they will make new friends throughout there lives but will never let them make them lose each other. most of the time they are the two pretty best friends. they will make so many memories together and will have so much fun times.
February 1st and July 3rd friendship is the best kind!
by livs best friend January 13, 2021
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