A Harriet is the most amazing person ever. She is sexy, hot, beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, perfect, kind, thoughtful. Any nice word you can think of, that’s a Harriet. I would recommend never letting a Harriet go as they are so much more than your girlfriend. They’re best friend for life. And if you fall out dw. You’ll still be friends and within the next week you’ll make up and be best friends again.
Don’t let a Harriet go. She’s amazing and you will love her.
I love Harriet.
I want Harriet to be my girlfriend.
by Youknowmehaz April 20, 2020
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Harriet is a sweet and loving girl she has many friends. Harriet is loud and always wants a laugh most likely she has an amazing singing voice and is very artistic. Harriet likes some sports but preferred not to play however she might do some netball and trampolining every now and then
Harriet is the most imagenitive girl I've ever met
by A girl xx October 31, 2019
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A crazy bitch who sprays you with LSD because you accidentally ran over a dumbass bird who for some reason couldn't get their stupid bird ass outta the fucking road.
Me: I'mma go an see if Harriet is still pissed with me.
Harriet : Skidadle Skidoodle your dick is now a noodle.
by That Tracks Guy August 3, 2020
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Meaning a wonderful girl in all senses. Perfect girlfriend and perfect friend.
wow, you really are a harriet!
by whizz kid September 3, 2006
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A certain non-quirky 'quirk' that will occasionally happen with any human named "Harriet", once or twice a week.
It's said to be followed with a "REEEEEE" screech emitted from said Harriets mouth.
That's a Harrietism.
by Seilioun June 25, 2018
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She's beautiful, kind and warm. To be around her is like being around magic, you feel a glow inside, a touch or a smile can give you a rush like no other. She doesn't realise how incredible she is, her brains and wit can bring a smile to your face even in the darkest of times. If you're lucky enough ever to hold Harriet in your arms, you'll know what I know, she's an actual angel! I love Harriet x xxxx xxx
"Harriet is my one"
by dannyboyh November 10, 2011
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A completely amazing girl, who is very beautiful and the sexiest chick you will ever meet. Wife material.
Boy 1: Dude, I met a Harriet last night

Boy 2: I'm fucking jealous man!
by cookiemonstahbitch October 23, 2011
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