Mash-up of "gastronomical / gastronomy" and "relationship." Meant to convey a friendship that may not be particularly deep, but revolves primarily around food and dining out.
“That’s the third time you’ve been out to lunch with Lisa this week.”

“Yeah, we have a total gastro-lationship.”
by Maximm123 January 31, 2008
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Someone who doesn't have digestive issues, they're gastrointestinal systems operate normally.

Someone who doesn't often have tummy trouble.
Play on word "neurotypical"
He's a gastro typical, he doesn't understand what it's like to have IBS!
by tummytroubles February 13, 2023
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Someone who doesn't have digestive issues, they're gastrointestinal systems operate normally.

Someone who doesn't often have tummy trouble.
Play on word "neurotypical"
He's a gastro typical, he doesn't understand what it's like to have IBS!
by tummytroubles February 13, 2023
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The surgical procedure of having a window installed in a persons stomach to allow them to see when their head is up their ass.
The politician's fly was open not for favors but for clear vision. His aide was polishing his gastro-opticalendectomy window.
by electrician January 31, 2010
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