A battle chant originating in Pittsburgh, PA for the purpose of cheering on the Black & Gold.
Doug: Some drunk guy downtown was screaming "Here we go Steelers, here we go!" in the middle of March.

Joe: What an idiot.
by DanZ. February 4, 2006
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Typically yelled in a voice that is supposed to sound like a young cat, here we go is stated by anyone who is about to do something kind of lame. The phrase originated in the feline species Rickolous Tufingtonus who would yell said phrase just before they were going to be eaten by a saber tooth tiger or a hippo.
John yelled "Here We Go!" in a naisly voice right before he entered a staff meeting
by tbonecohn August 29, 2006
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An event that's happening again, come on, surely you knew that?
"Brayden brought the matches to the petrol station, here we go again"
by Millez June 10, 2018
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a chant at a rager, but mostly a sign that a group of guys have been drinking quite a bit.

you'll here it loud and proud, and if you try and keep it quiet it just gets louder.
by itsmebitches... August 8, 2009
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What one says before performing cunnilingus on their main squeeze, preferably in a Lecter-esque tone of voice.
If you need an example, you're nowhere near smooth enough to pull this off successfully. Get a job.
by Burmecion January 20, 2004
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Simultaneously high-fiving someone, grabbing their ass, and handing them money for an unrelated purpose.
"Did you remember to pay the water bill today?" "Fer shure. The clerk said he was having a bad week, though, so I made it a High-Low-Here-Ya-Go."
by antipedanti February 23, 2012
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