an australian slang term for someone snobby. stands for Fuck Im Good Just Ask Me
bryson can be very figjam at times
by kat September 27, 2004
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Exclamation of a fuckin rad feeling meaning, "Fuck Im Good, Just Ask Me!!!!" and commonly used by sports teams
Lax Captain-Bros, lets get pumped for this Lax game. Team- FIJJAM!!!!!!

Im soo ready to lax it up, FIGJAM!!!!

FIG JAM bro brah lax laxer
by Purdue Laxer January 26, 2011
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A pathetic, inept lousy band, usually domiciled in a little hick town, who think they are just 'it' , but in fact are terrible, due to poor playing ability, and pissweak equipment such as a cheap bingo quality PA, cheap instruments, etc)

They think fuck im good Im a superstar but in reality its "fuck I dream Im good, wish I wasnt so pissweak and had some talent"
That band I saw at the Kin Kin pub was such a figjam band.
by talent xcout January 20, 2011
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