A AMAZING ACTOR!! super hot especially in the movie moulin rouge..
omg i fell in love with ewan mcgregor! he has an amazing voice
by Charlie March 22, 2005
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love of my life. sexy as hell. voice like some sort of demon-sex-god-angel. excellent actor who refuses to be type cast- moulin rouge, trainspotting, star wars, for example. conscientious guy- eg. appeals to G8 leaders.
"I've seen Ewan Mcgregor in Guys and Dolls TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i WILL kiss him before i die!"
by Sarah Deee July 21, 2005
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A euphamism for the kind of actor who can only play themselves, and who is total shite when they try to actually play a character.

Based on the undoubted ability of Ewan to play a Scottish smackhead and nothing else.
"Yessh, I'm Sean Connery, er I mean Captain Marko Ramiush, Rushian Shubmarine Commanderr!"

Me: "Fuck me, Connery is a total Ewan McGregor!"
Christian Slater: "Yeah, so am I..."

by Benyboy1972 June 17, 2007
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A jedi human sized phallic object. He can use the force in more ways than one. Oh, he's also Scottish.
omg it's Ewan Mcgregor *faints*
by SoupyWan January 30, 2022
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