An incredibly talented singer/songwriter for the Brobecks. Amazing voice and catchy lyrics. Very unique songs that stand out in the modern age of 'common' tunes. And not to mention, he's gorgeous! Basically he's the total package. :)
Dallon Weekes is an artist to look out for.
by brobecks! July 31, 2009
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When someone plays video games religiously, has never ending munchies, loves music more than the average person (excluding pot-heads), always loses personal objects (phone,keys, wallet), uses gamer/nerd lingo, smokes hookah and hangs out with stoners but refuses to smoke weed.
Joe: What's up man? What did you do today?
Jack: Nothing much just hung out with my friend Bob. We chilled listened to music, played some xbox 360 and ate pizza.
Joe: Nice brah sounds like you guys got hella blazed!
Jack: Nah man Bob doesn't blaze, he's got Dallon Syndrome.
by bluntedtwentyfourseven April 20, 2010
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a member of the band iDKHOW, with ryan seaman. the 2nd tallest bassist in the world, coming right after Roger Waters from Pink Floyd. not only is he an amazing bassist, he is also an amazing person, an amazing father and a great singer. he makes his fans happy and adopts them at iDKHOW shows. so far, i haven't gone to any but when i go to one one day, i'm expecting dallon to adopt me aswell.
"hey i like dallon weekes !!!"
"dallon weekes from p!atd ??"
"no dumbass dallon weekes is from idkhow educate yourself for once."
by bubuifbudiufodg July 16, 2022
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Quite simply when someones bald
"awh look at the little kid. Hes bald"
"i see, he must have dallon syndrome
by chawmonster May 21, 2010
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When Dallon Weekes Bends his legs inwards and looks like an awkward but beautiful lamppost noodle.(preferably during the vices era)
who do they think they are? Trying to do the dallon's leg thing ! *Tut tut tut*
by FluffyMarshmallow May 18, 2017
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A who is extremely gay.
He loves listening to crappy scene music.

He also likes Panic! At The Disco because he has the same name as one of the members.
Overall Dallon is good friend and he's very silly.
Is Dallon listening to that horrible music again?
by Frozenfan724(9) October 20, 2023
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Dallone is a mixed race girl but u can't trust her bc she'll tell all ur secrets and is a compulsive liar
Hey did u hear what Dallone told me about emma
by Spunkyhispanic February 13, 2017
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