A man who can make magical illusions happen to appear very very real. He has had A television show for years now and he can do many amazing things. He is most definitely ftw. He is also known by his stage name Mindfreak.
I am going to Las Vegas to See the amazing magician Criss Angel.
by the future mrs. bieber December 28, 2011
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A man who is obviously a closet homo, and uses creative camera angles and middle aged women to give him credit as an "Illusionist"

"I am Criss Angel. Where is my eye liner and hair gel?"
by Criss Angels Hairspray December 10, 2008
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A douche bag who thinks he can do tricks on television like float and walk on water. But he is a fraud just like a person who can do card tricks.
Criss Angel is a douchbag
by MrCrimXen May 6, 2010
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Criss Angel is what some people call an "illusionist", although I prefer to think of him as a comedian, because there is no way that he takes himself seriously. His "stunts" are performed in front of a "live audience" which mostly consists of gullible ditzy girls and/or druggies in a city park; this is why the people on his show believe that he can really pull a woman's torso off and have her two halves walk away. While entertaining, his act is clearly not real. If you believe he went through a wood chipper, you've got a problem.
Criss Angel has a show called Mindfreak that is really hard to watch without falling out of your seat from intense lawling.
by zomgzhaxed October 26, 2007
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When you're fucking a girl from behind, you tell her you're going to cum and instead spit on her back, and when she turns around you cum on a dove and throw it in her face, while pyrotechnics go off in the background.
I wanted to do the Criss Angel to my fiance on our honey moon, but no pet shop would sell me the doves I needed to do it.
by Stonedashades September 21, 2013
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1.The hottest man you will ever see.
2.One of THE best illusionists ever.
OMG Criss Angel is soooooo hot!!!!!
by gbfdvereg January 3, 2008
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You're getting someone from behind and then in the middle of the act get a fruit, vegetable, or random object that is a shaped like your member and jam into into the hole and then scream and jump off of the bed. If it is a girl it is also known as the Houdini.
My Boyfriends penis fell off in my butthole, and said he was Criss Angel.
by douche Nozzel August 2, 2008
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