Use of political favor, force, or position to benefit a for-profit business, but calling it "free-market". Similar to "mercantilism" from Colonial times, where the success of a business depended on the power of The Crown. Use of "crapitalism" is meant to be disparaging, but can also be used to show the difference between actual free market enterprises and those that depend on government support.
Dude A: "Those big Wall Street banks makin' all that smack when I ain't got a job is why capitalism sucks." Dude B: "Da big bankers work in crapitalism. They'd be out of business if it wasn't for all that help they get from The Man."
by scratchgolf November 16, 2009
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quick-and-dirty uber-profits for the filthy stinking rich - and total crap for all the rest of us.
Here in the USA crapitalism has caused the world's largest gap between the super-rich lifestyles of the those at the top, and the steadily degenerating living conditions of the vast majority, while landfills continue to overfill with the broken, poorly-made junk that constitutes the "affordable" products for the masses.
by VirgoGrrrlie January 20, 2011
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Sloganistic derivative of "capitalism", sometimes seen in graffiti and on placards.

Crap + capitalism = crapitalism.
Smash crapitalism!
by annoyed anarchist May 7, 2004
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Basically a substitute for *amnit for non-pottymouthed folk.
Theodore: Ha! I mopped you in Halo!
George: Oh, crapit!
by Nathan Algren June 21, 2004
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A combination of crap and dammit which has the same meaning as dammit.
Crapit this computer is to slow.
by samuraisushimonster March 6, 2008
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To unnecessarily capitalize a word.
Most poets crapitalize.
For example, Emily Dickinson crapitalizes several times in the following poem:

"Within my Garden, rides a Bird
Upon a single Wheel—
Whose spokes a dizzy Music make
As 'twere a travelling Mill—"
by technirsew&elylracs August 30, 2010
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Autumn made this up and she'll throw u down a toilet with the CRAPITS and autumn and a TAYLOR will flush u down as us fuschia and fuschica clap
Bye bye because your crapits
by Cradatata December 11, 2016
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