instead of using the word nooby or newbie, this is a term that is used by a select few, not as an insult but as an affectionate joke.
floz don't be such a choob
by david alderson April 16, 2005
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A word that defines cute adorable things, mainly desired by girls also anything squishy that makes you smile
A woman sees chubby cheeks starts pinching them and says aww choobie blobs
by Shawada December 17, 2012
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A Girl who is pretty much awesome all around. She's caring and sympathetic, but she doesn't take shit from anybody, especially haters. Also, she is witty. A girl who is super witty, on the spot.
Guy 1:"Hahaha, did you hear what Noobie Choobies just said?"
Guy 2:"No, what?"
Guy 1:"You had to be there, hahahahaha." (AUTUMN :)

Guy 3:"Oh, Sam, How I appreciate her."
Guy 4:"She's so considerate."
Guy 3:"That's Noobie Choobies for ya."

Guy 5:"That girl doesn't take shit from no body."
Guy 6:"That's right, she's Noobie Choobies."
by Bonicle :) October 9, 2010
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little gummie squares in bubble shakes that you can disguise as tomatoes in someones taco
are you slow? you dont need a definition.

by vincesucks101 September 21, 2008
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