Self cock, small penis, midget, stoopid af. Gets no girls
Bro Jayden Cervantes Hernandez thinks he’s so cool.
Yeah fr, he gay af.
by Christopher Villarreal December 10, 2021
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A kind loving person who likes anime very much bi and likes girls and guys very emo and sometimes annoying but she is very kind heart women <3
Ur a Valeria Cervantes if u like anime
by 2freeluna September 6, 2022
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A real chill kid.
Loves to play with fidget snakes, chains, huge ass key clips, cologne, mobile games, origami, APRIL PACKARD, and many other cool shit.
He a real one you can fw.
Random freshman: Bro wtf! That kid threw a paper airplane into my eye and that shit is bleeding! AHHHHH!
Another random freshman: That nigga was probably Jose Cervantes
by Cincinnatiheaven February 21, 2022
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