Career Limiting Maneuver - When you do something stupid in front of co-workers that can potentially cause you to never move up in the company.
It was a complete CLM the way she got caught hooking-up with her boss in the mans bathroom at the holiday party!
by bud86 December 11, 2007
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Christian lives matter! every religion is important! So stay respectful and Support clm
we all should support clm!
by Electric chair December 24, 2020
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Chillin Like-a Mufucka (CLM)-A state of vegetating, marinating, or just loafing. Kickin it with your friends and not worrying about any other plans. While on a vacation, not doing anything but relaxing.
"Hey Weezy, you wanna go ATV'n with a bunch of people today?"

Na man, I'ma do some CLM'n
by jwatz7 March 3, 2012
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Cow lives matter. People think that bc they cows they don’t matter
Person: cows don’t matter

me: yes they do CLM
by Swagsterbcimsoswag June 17, 2021
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Standard notation in database for attempt to contact third party. e.g. 2/21 4:00pm CLM Frank Jones.
by 54 or 42? January 3, 2018
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Abbreviation of Chuckling Like Mad.
To be used like lol, lmao, pmsl etc.
I'm so bored in class... I just made a pie graph of my favourite bars and a bar graph of my favourite pies. Clm :)

It was so funny I clmed :D
by ThisIsPurePassion October 28, 2009
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