A noun referring to a situation in which there are buckets inside of a box (or a multiple of boxes). i can also refer to a situation in which there are both buckets and boxes.
Why are there so many bockets of cod over here?
by SprinterCheetah December 12, 2020
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Why does he have so many Bockets?
by Pheonix27 December 12, 2020
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Why does he have so many bockets
by Pheonix27 December 11, 2020
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Why does he have so many bockets?
by Pheonix27 December 11, 2020
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person 1: where did all these bockets come from?
person 2: no clue
by l_8m December 12, 2020
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Bocket or Bockets are boxes, chests or shulker boxes filled with buckets. Word was invented by grian.
Why does everyone have bockets of grian here?
by HardlyKatie December 12, 2020
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A word made up by Grian, defining shulker boxes filled with buckets.
"What are all these bockets?"
by unresponsibleidiot December 12, 2020
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