A sexy hotttt girl who does what she’s wants and gets. She’s super nice, but if you piss her off she had a hot attitude that will probably want to make you cry... so watch out. She is a great friend so if you get her as one then keep her you might do through some tough times with her but she’ll make sure she gets the right friends. She is hot like the sun, and will burn you like the sun. If you get her as a girlfriend try to be patient and keep her. She also probably had a nice ass but smaller boobs😂 but she’ll make it worth your time.
1:did you see that girl aurora!??
2:ya she so hot. And super nice, I can’t believe how caring she is
1: I have to get to know her
by Rory👩🏼💋 April 17, 2019
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Aurora is one of the most kind people you could ever meet. she is very smart and loves to be with her friends. she is very beautiful and knows it but doesn’t use it against people.
Aurora is the best person who i know!!
by Gianna Hret July 28, 2019
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An amazing girl with a great personality. Sh lights up a room when she walks in , be happy you have a friend like aurora
Aurora is the best
by Chiky nuggets July 11, 2018
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Aurora is the kind of girl of one glance and love at first sight. Aurora is the kind of a person who is kind,cute and really smart. If you are an Aurora’s friend or get to be an Aurora’s boyfriend be thankful because then you are a lucky person.
Person 1 I just met a person named Aurora yesterday. Person 2 Your sooo lucky.
by Kid_killa April 5, 2019
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The cutest girl in the world, can always put a smile on a face, and the best girlfriend in the world, and my true love. If you know anybody named Aurora, consider yourself lucky.
by Jurora 722 November 26, 2016
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An amazing person with a good heart if you meet her you should always keep her with you. Though she can be very stubborn and a bad bitch sometimes she is still loving and caring. She has a very sarcastic since of humor but still is a truly beautiful person inside and out
That’s Aurora damn she is great.
by Aurora_49 February 25, 2019
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awesome person who has fun and is out going. she is awesome
by pegasusstar October 4, 2006
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