Anaye is an easy person to get along with, has great music taste and loves to have fun. She is a bit of a rebel and loves to laugh. She is often mistaken for a 'bitch' or 'slut'. She has a good sense of humor and cares for everyone around her. Anaye is also a very beautiful girl but has low self esteem issues after having a tough life.
Ryan: "She is so pretty, who's that?"
Tyler: "That's Anaye!"
by lovemeplsss November 5, 2013
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Anayanci has the biggest and brightest smile that can make anyone fall in love. Intelligent, beautiful and has the most gentle and loving heart. She knows what she likes and doesn’t, but more often than not she does not express it in order to please the others.

Anayanci is extremely hard working and disciplined in every aspect of her life, however some times she does not venture into new experiences and is afraid of what people may say.

She is the kindest of them all and lights up everyone’s path she ever meets.
My goal is to be as disciplined as Anayanci.

Anayanci is always focused on accomplishing something!

Such a kind spirit, you must be an Anayanci!
by Henry Catts November 23, 2021
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An Anaye is a person that always calls the other person lazy ass constantly

Me: you are a lazy ass

You: Omg you are an Anaye arent you?
by Purple heart xox October 21, 2019
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