Usually the GOAT of the family and is very into Narcos and Marijuana. An Alvaro is smart & creative and is always chasing the GUALA!
by Theyoung32 January 3, 2018
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Usually a person of the sexy mexican nationality. He is funny, smart, and has a big cock. A minimum of 7 inches is what an alvaro has. An alvaro is usually short but he compensates for his big cock. He can be on the skinny side but he is very strong. He is always good with the ladies and they are all over him. All his friends wish they could be him. All the girls wish they could have a little alone time with him.
Guy: Damn I wish I was Him for one day.
Guy 2: Yea I know.

Girl: OMG! Alvaro is looking fine. As always.
Girl 2: Gosh I wish He was my boyfriend.
by iamheeee April 9, 2010
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this dude is tall af. he deadass built like a skyscraper. hes pretty chill tho nonetheless. he is the ultimate wingman. always appreciate a homie named alvaro.
bro alvaro bought me a blueberry faygo last night, hes a real one.
by applejack650 April 6, 2022
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The perfect boyfriend; someone who will stay on the phone with you just because, usually orange, someone who makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever you're near them. They generally are funny, and tease you a lot. But you never care.
by pancrasia August 7, 2009
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Alvaro is a sexy mexican with a big ass dick
I need me an Alvaro
by Juan Martinez March 14, 2017
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An Alvaro is someone who is very sweet and sensitive. He hates spicy food, even though he is mexican. He's always up for a good joke and loves listening to Prince & Journey, is an amazing ballroom dancer and swan diver. You can always find him sipping manly cocktails from a straw with his little dog. Alvaro's are always great company, your life is very blessed if there is an Alvaro in it.
Did you see that guy jump in the pool?! He must be an Alvaro! friends suck, I wish I had an Alvaro as my friend.
by short stack March 27, 2012
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a person that is a good lover.
"I want an alvaro" said megan. "I have an alvaro" snickered kheycie.
by kheycie romero March 21, 2007
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