Aadi is a very caring, smart indian male and can handle multiple tasks at once. Aadi can also have "attachment issues" for his fellow classmates & would make an amazing boyfriend for those who are looking for hot Indian males. He would comfort you in the best way he can and is known for liking Asian women: Ex: Anna & Mira. He has an amazing personality & usually has glasses. Aadi is so gifted that he has joined multiple programs supporting his astonishing intellegence. Aadi's are usually short (very short lol) and have "elfish" ears(pointed or rounded.) All in all, an Aadi would be the best person no hang out with or even more~

Wow! that Aadi is amazing!
by YourHeartbreakingAlterEgo February 8, 2022
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Aadi is a hot, smart Indian male. He is a caring and loving person in which people love to be with him. He is a calm human but if once mad, he may destroy your soul. Girls adore to be with him and find him a really attractive person.
Im in love with Aadi
by Lea999 August 14, 2023
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Complete and utter trash at basketball. Is also extremely nerdy likes to fap to hentai.
Hey! that guys is touching himself to animation just like an Aadi!
by BoorBit March 31, 2018
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very sad person who dated beatrice for like a day and made jeet very mad. also pulling the hottest girl 💪💪
wow is that rhe guy who watches rubiks cube videos during lunch??

you mean aadi?? yeah!!!!!
by guess who 🔫 January 15, 2022
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Very intelligent and cunning. Super nice to your face, but can be a real bitch behind your back. A little insecure, and has just a few friends
Be careful about what he tells you. He's just an Aadi.
by feverentflamingo May 16, 2021
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An Aadi is an extremely nerdy Indian that loves to dream about anime girls. He also lacks pussy juice yet does not mind as long as he has his romantic video games and hot videos.
My man Aadi... he aint drinking no pussy juice tonight.
by BoorBit March 31, 2018
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A nerdy Indian weaboo, previously thought to be gay. Wanks off to hentacle tentai. A total guy magnet, see also, ‘faggot’
That guy over there is a total Aadi.
Wow dude, you’re a total Aadi
by Justahotguy April 20, 2019
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