An epic gamer is someone who is very excellent at video games.

This applies for games such as minecraft, roblox, or fortnite. the most unepic gamers are the people who play pubg
"i saw you slay that roblox chick you are such an epic gamer"
"you just got a victory royale??? now thats an epic gamer moment"
by ThatOneSponk October 26, 2018
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An "Epic Gamer" is someone who is very good at video games, hell, even sudoku. This person is also a major CHAD as well, and will treat every gamer he/she comes across with respect and kindness.

Person #2: Well good sir, he is, without a doubt, an Epic Gamer.
by SuperClean29 April 26, 2020
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1. A gamer with way too much time on their hands.
2. A gamer who just did an epic thing on whatever game they are playing, who is therefore called an epic gamer.
3. An 11-year-old tryhard who just got to level 10 on Roblox Jailbreak.
Donnie: I don't believe it! I just got 10 Victory Royales on FortNite in a row!
Friend1: That's an Epic Gamer move right there.
by The_Random_Dicthead January 15, 2019
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Someone who has beat Lego Star Wars or Lego Indiana Jones, extra points if you have beat both, beating both makes you a giga gamer
Guy 1: I just beat lego star wars

Guy 2: that means you have achieved Epic Gamer status

Guy 1: god, i am such a loser
by monster juice addict June 15, 2021
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The rare and wonderful 'Epic Gamer' is commonly found in dark rooms and are said to be very loud. They rarely leave their room and live off Red Bull. Epic Gamers are made when a normal Gamer (who lives in their mum's basements) have a series of 'Epic Gamer Moments.' These Epic Gamers are dangerous especially when they have recently lost a game of Fortnite. Epic Gamers are however well sought for by women and men alike! Don't buy a house near an Epic Gamer otherwise, you may be at risk of losing your Girlfriend/ Boyfriend/ Wife/ Husband or Nan.
Wife says''?????? I smell sweat and I hear someone screaming? What is up with this neighbourhood?!'' Husband says'' Oh it's fine it's just the Epic Gamer next door wanna get dominos? Hey, where are you going!?'' Wife yells'' I wanna divorce bitch bye I'm gonna get some Epic Gamer DICK!'
by SeekNDestroyXD November 18, 2019
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when one has achieved a higher power then they can understand. if you are an epic gamer consider yourself to be a god
look at that girl carleigh she is not an epic gamer.
by the proud owner of tracer January 28, 2019
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epic gamer is SUPER EPIC man that is really epic
by ESUP{ER MAN EPIC EPIC November 9, 2018
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