420 is 42 the meaning of life some say but a 0 added to the end the 0 is post to show weed. 420 can be used to like smoke weed or something
You: im going to have some 420
by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018
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420, indeed, was thought of years ago as the time of day some people got together to smoke pot. Now it is used as code for "Let's go get high." Also, some people consider it to be April 20th that is "National Pot Smoking Day."
I prefer all of the above.
Dude, 420, let's go.
by Lonnie September 29, 2004
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To add to the definition regarding "The Waldos," I'd like to note that in an article of High Times containing an interview with the waldos, one of them told this story:
We had heard rumors that one of the members brothers had planted a pot patch in the wooded area around town. We all wanted to go look for this patch of weed, so we devised to meet eachother by the statue of Louis Pasteur after school. Since we all had after school activities or electives that lasted about fifty minutes, and since it took about ten minutes to get from school to our after school activities, and another ten minutes to walk from the activites to the statue. Since there were many of us we decided that 420 would be a good time to meet so we could go search for the patch of pot. We never did find it, but we had lots of fun getting high while trying to look for it.
Therefore, when they were at school, when they saw eachother between classes they would secretively say "420" and maybe give the thumb-and-pointer-finger-to-the-mouth sign to indicate that that was when they would meet to look for the weed patch. Since the waldos were such legendary potheads, when people who were not waldos saw this, it caught on and they assumed it was a secret code word for pot.
by Darius Sunofovich January 1, 2005
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Gamesnet (Now Gamesurge)'s famous channel for pot smoking culture, sessions, and discussions of many different topics, including religion, politics, and what Sabb put in his asshole the previous night. Founded in 1997, it still exists to this day with many users idling and chiefing it up. No selling/trading of any sort is condoned; just partaking of herbal refreshment. *tokes*
Join #420 for all your marijuana needs! Just don't be a douchebag.
by Bruk November 16, 2008
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The term 420 is used widely in Cannabis culture as a time to get high, a national day to get high, and cannabis itself.

There are a lot of different theories about how the word was first invented:

:: San Rafael theroy ::
In the early 1970's, a group of teenagers who attended San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California used to get high every day at 4:20 in the afternoon under the Louis Pasteur statue.

:: Bob Dylan theroy ::
In Bob Dylan's song, 'Rainy Day Women #12 && 35,' the lyrics contain 'everybody must get stoned.' 420 comes from the title, as 12 * 35 = 420.

:: Highway 420 ::
In Ontario, Canada in the 60's, marijuana grew freely on one of the Highways. This highway was later renamed in 1972 as Highway 420.

:: The Date 4/20 ::
April 20th is coincidentally (or not..) the birthday of Adolf Hitler who was born on April 20, 1889. It is also interesting to note that the Columbine High School shootings also occured on this date in 1999.

There are many other theories that have been debunked such as the Bob Marley theroy and the Police Code theroy.
You: "Yo, dude.. it's April 20th - let's go smoke over there!"
Me: "You also realize that today is Hitler's birthday? Let's go throw some rocks at passing Volkswagen's while smoking mary jane! After all.. hitler invented the VW Beetle"
You: "GOOD IDEA! This is gonna be the best 420 ever!!"
by daavid May 8, 2006
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1)Noun: The time of day for ritual/social smoking of herb. Usually there's enough time to be prepared well to start(inviting friends, driving around, buying stuff, etc).
2)Noun: Herb
" Dude, IT'S ALMOST 420 .. FUCK! Light up right here man."
" This is some high quality 4.2.0.
by redman&kronic January 25, 2009
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who really cares...it's 420 right now!!!
Happy 420!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roll it up Light it up Smoke it up Inhale Ehale
by Junebug April 20, 2004
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