an acronym for "skin wouldn't graft", a very lazy person perceived to be so bone idle even his skin isn't working
look at alex over there, another fine example of SWG, off for yet another drink when there's calls waiting, man he is so lazy his skin wouldn't graft
by Davethejag June 14, 2010
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It's the gratest fuckin game ever!
by Anonymous May 16, 2003
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An MMORPG game that is based on the Star Wars universe. Many people criticize it because of the lag and lack of social interface, however, if you're a big enough nerd like me then you'll love it. Its true that you get addicted to it and the things in it, but after a year and a half of playing it, you get sick of it (trust me). Ahazi server is a particularly fun one to play on because it has a "large" population and Vincent- is on it. Good game, but I'd rather stick to the free online mini games of warcraft III.
Me:Man its 6:30 in the morning, what do you want to do?
Vincent-:Let's go space hunting and then we can go to Kashykk to get you some Jedi XP.
*1 year later*
Me:I'm kinda sick of playing SWG, bye.
Vincent-:Bye, may the force be with you.
by james garner June 5, 2006
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Suburban White Girl that believes that she is a black rapper. SWGS also over use the phrases "YOLO" and "THAT SHIT CRAY".
Jake: Lindsay, you're pregnant. Stop smoking crack.
Lindsay (SWG): YOLO

Sam: I just aced this test without studying.
Brittany (SWG): That shit is cray!
by amrajtt June 26, 2012
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A game which takes advantage of the 18-40 year old nerdlings wanting to be part of the Star Wars Universe. You run around, get stuff, gain levels, and kill things. Pretty much the same as every other MMORPG. Of course, you can become a Jedi if you have waaaaay too much time on your hands.
Holy crap, I just unlocked my force senseitive slot! YESYESYESYESYES!!! Oh wait, I just died. Too bad it's permadeath. Life suxorz
by 3v1l_1337 November 24, 2003
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do u need a hunting license to perform swg
by Mac Ditty November 24, 2003
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utter shite. The worst game ever invented (in my opinion).
My boyfriend is obsessed with SWG, but it's utter shite.
by MadGoth July 19, 2004
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