Every Wednesday you have to kiss yo girl for ten seconds
National kiss yo girl for 10 seconds
by Jpdk nigga April 25, 2018
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when someone is using the computer (either while doing stuff with files on his/her desktop or while on myspace) and someone else comes in and tells you to open a bunch of your own stuff just to see what you have/tells you to click on their ex's myspace homepage so they can see what that person is possibly saying about him/her.
1: "hey joe, what are you doing?"
Joe: "usin the computer"
"open that file, now that one, now that one. what's 'my tax payments 97?"
Joe: "stop second hand snooping me, dammit!"

2: "are you on myspace?"
"yeah, why?"
"search (name of ex). I wanna see what he/she said about me"
"no, i'm not gonna second hand snoop for you. Do it yourself."
by obamapproved September 11, 2009
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when a gay male shows affection to a straight male even though he knows he is as straight as a pole.
John: that gay man just winked at me
Jeremy: bro thats second hand gayness
by March 30, 2021
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A second cousin that isn’t blood related even though second cousins are barely blood related.
Man, I just found out that my second cousin isn’t my second cousin. She’s my step second cousin cause she’s not blood related to me.
by Excrushman November 8, 2020
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Anyone that can exist does exist, and they're probably on Twitter.
"What on earth do you mean they're calling themselves 'Sigma Males'?"

"Murphy's second law. They exist."
by waddlemarco July 1, 2021
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