Calvin lowe is a female dog (bitch) who only cares for himself and his feelings. He’s a guy who leads you on and tell you when it’s too late.
Her: that’s a Calvin lowe right there
Her: fuck him Calvin lowe girl 😂
by Calvin gf November 30, 2021
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More intense rofl, in the same regards that lmfao is more intense than lmao - Low Fat Rofl Mayo is the more intense version of rofl or roflcopter/roflmayonnaise.

Usually used in reflection of a funny event.
Aww that time Alex got hit in the face with the basketball after he tripped I totally Low Fat Rofl Mayo'd.
by LessOffensive February 11, 2010
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Very relaxing/chill environment. Usually pertains to music, especially with Jazz and Funk genres, but can also be used to describe one's surroundings.
The band, Vulfpeck, often plays low volume funk.

Friend: How was your day today?
You: It was fine. Not much is happening, so it's just been a pretty low volume day.
by Ripple_the_boi May 9, 2021
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Breasts that hang as low as your belly button.
You would need two pairs of push up bras to save this lady from her hang lows.
by BostonAlan August 3, 2017
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"I could eat the Crotch out of a Low Flying Dingo. ". Australian Slang descriptive of how hungry a person may be (as in, a VERY excessive hunger for food ‼️).
by Nikkii November 30, 2017
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brian mcgolpin has low set ears
brian mcgolpin has low set ears a sign off retardness
by foot of the club December 3, 2019
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Taking your work laptop home with you, and then forgetting to bring it with you to work the following day. Requires you to turn around and go back home for retrieval, or request to check one out from the company IT department for the day.
I pulled a Z-low and will be 30 minutes late to work this morning.
Z-lowing has reduced employee productivity by 11% in the second quarter.
Every time a deadline comes up I always pull a Z-low...soooooo annoying!
Dude, what's a bigger bummer - lighting your hair on fire when blowing out birthday candles, or z-lowing?
by kali0055 August 19, 2013
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