good, fun, amazing, nice looking
that ones a bit nicee
by the teng maker May 30, 2011
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pronounced (nik-ed), this term refers to when you have too much nicotine and find yourself unable to stand and feel high for a while after.
guy1: bro, u good?
guy2: yeah I'm just niced, I took too many hits.
by syphen of kek October 2, 2018
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OFTEN USED AS: Nice'd up
the up is key in the sentance

the act of getting dressed up.. or getting fancy.. showering up and getting ready for a date.
girl: "hey, you wanna come over around 7 tonight??"
me: "yea, ill hope in the shower and get myself all nice'd up in no time!"
girl: "okies! <3 you!!"
by marky-k May 1, 2005
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1. adj. Looking very bling bling or "gangsta".
2. adj. Something only in the process of when it is happening, that is very pleasureful or appealing. This may only be said by a 3rd or viewing party.
1. Steve looked niced as he strolled down the lane.
2. (Looking at Amanda and Tiffiny make out) Joey says,"niced"
by Logan Smith February 3, 2004
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1. The remark made when an individual reaches a moment of bliss through extreme chilling, usually in the midst of or following smoking the chronic.
2. Expressing great happiness after learning of good news.
Brewskis: Yo I brought down some pizza
Pop: Nice Dude Nice

Pop: Oh i just found another pound of white rhino.
Brewskis: Nice Dude Nice

When sitting two rows behind the sixers bench at a sixers cavs game.
by brewskis January 25, 2005
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Cleveland ~ Ohh Peter, that tickles me in a way that if Loretta tickled me in that way, I'd say 'Oh yea, that's nice, that's the spot.'
Cleveland ~ I promised Loretta I'd trim the bushes then get tender with her.
by Cleveland Brown August 24, 2006
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