the best band that ever exsisted!!!!!!
1. Good Charlotte are the best, don't ever say anything bad about them, if you really hate them that much, say it to my face.

2. Good Charlotte do not need to be labeled by you
by goodcharlotteforeverandever December 18, 2008
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When all songs by the one artist sound the same.
Could also be called Nickelback Syndrome or Ke$ha Syndrome.
'I really like the new Nickelback song'.
'Nah, not a fan, they have Good Charlotte Syndrome'.
by JustCamInAus December 19, 2010
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Good charlotte combined have enough skill and balls for a one man game of canadian Left-handed pingpong
Right-handed Canadian Pingpong champs:Wanna Play?
by kimmy booth June 12, 2005
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It should be noted that in one definition for Good Charlotte Fan it mentioned how there are two types of Good Charlotte fans, those who like the music and those who think "OMG G00d CHaRL0tte R SOOOO HAWT!!1!!!!!"

So, I'll divide Good Charlotte haters into two groups:

1. Self-Righteous "Punk" Douchebags-Those who flaunt their elitism and knowledge by talking about what a disgrace Good Charlotte is to punk's legacy or whatever.

2. People with common sense-Those who realize that Good Charlotte, plain and simple, is really really fucking bad.
1. Fuck yeah I'm a Good Charlotte hater! They're a bunch of corporate sell outs, and they are so not punk. MTV is not punk. Fuck those poseurs. Same thing with Hot Topic, man. It's just, like, the corporations are selling punk at the mall and the mall is so not punk. They're just a bunch of tattooed faggots, fuck them, man. Anarchy is, like, the best political system. FUCK THE GOVERMENT! ANARCHY FOR LIFE!

2. I heard a Good Charlotte song once, and it was terrible. In fact, it was nearly unlistenable. They're really, really irritating.
by Sathan Nielman February 17, 2006
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Good Charlotte is quite possibly the gayest band ever. Fuck, you, and defile your mother.
I suck dicks, I must be Good Charlotte-y
by Matt April 1, 2005
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1. a woman who thinks that a lousy pop-rock band is hardcore and devoted to their music.

2. a gay male
Anna is such a Good Charlotte Fan, it's too bad she does not see the group for what they were, generic crappy pop.
by rock the casbah April 4, 2005
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