Advice pulled out of the ass of an extremely hot chick.
"Oh, man when she told us we were allowed to come to the jocks party, that was booty wisdom"
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when you’re so swag and wise that the wisdom is just too powerful. wisdomous.
hey dude i love Gared he’s so swag
yeah dude he’s so wisdomous!!
examepl wisdomous
by swagathan69 March 21, 2021
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Adjective—describes something/someone as possessing wisdom or being full of wisdom. It’s adds pizzazz to a sentence that “wise” can’t provide.
Ellen: Well, life won’t live itself

Hunter: That’s very wisdomous of you
by 1an_p November 4, 2022
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An extremely wise or very sage person
"Ah you can definitely trust what Dave teaches you, he's wisdomous"
by thestockbrokist August 1, 2023
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Someone who is very wise and elite; basically a god.
Eden is so wisdomous and gives excellent advice.
by vclrgb_02 March 6, 2023
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When you come up with the best idea you've ever had. It's the bomb. Nobody has ever thought of it before and you're going to become rich when you execute your plan. And then you realize you're just high.
John, in another amazing example of "high wisdom" described, to the exact specific detail, how he would discover the cure for cancer.
by tjneuron June 16, 2017
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When you take a shit at work thinking about the problem you are currently strugling with and suddenly you get an idea how to fix it.
Greg! Herman! I know how to fix that damn bug! I was taking a dump when the toilet wisdom enlightened me!
by rufik March 9, 2020
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