A cow thats a girl that says moo
The cow is a missy moo moo
by Hamster definisions February 28, 2017
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Noun. The act of stroking your penis at a downward motion while bent over, mimicking the action of milking a cow, ejaculate simulating the milk.
Heather wanted to try some new sex positions saturday night. I stood over her face and preceded to give her the moo moo buckaroo. She was ecstatic!
by VaJohnny October 7, 2018
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Moo's are the echoings of a cow with no legs as it tries to roll itself over a cliff but cannot because there is a lip to the edge.

Such is the phrase also echoed by the same cow with no legs, or other cows that just so happen to be absent any appendages used for walking, as it rolls around in life awaiting for the butcher to come and turn it into what it already is; ground beef.

This poor, diluted cow forever roams the land, rolling around in an attempt to find shade but is too slow and always ends up in a spot inwhich shade was once there, but by the movement of the sun, is yet another place of heat and hell.

-we are all cows with no legs, forever rolling in an attempt to await for our ever-approaching inevitable end that we can never produce ourselves.-
Moo. Moo I say. Moo I say to you all.
by TheCowWithNoLegs November 29, 2004
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Its like puzzle glue..but for your heart ! It works at anytime of the day, anywhere. This glue is soo strong you'll only need a witto witto drop each time.

Oh and it smells delicious.
I got moo moo glue for your </3 !
by bbyraccoon December 4, 2010
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Complete bullshit, seeing normal cows go 'm00'.
A normal cow: "m00"
A fucked up cow: "moo"
by Kiwi September 13, 2003
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It's a cat, but with cow like markings!

Moo Moo Foo Foo= Cow pussy
How's my little Moo Moo Foo Foo today?
by Matty12345uk June 22, 2017
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