Oh my god, his jawn bag is hairier than my dad's!
by Haha willy October 4, 2013
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A slang term used for the male sex organ.
Ayo! Yung Trag Brah popped a cap in his jawn-jawny-jawn piece!
by Snooder C April 11, 2007
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A "Poop jawn" is a combination of the Pennsylvania slang "poop" and "jawn". "Poop" orginated in Pittsburgh, likely due to the "poopy" nature of the city. "Jawn" on the otherhand was a product of Philadelphia, mostly as word that replaces the name of almost anything and everything. Thus, when used together, a "poop jawn" is anything that can be considered "poopy". Also, you can create a poop jawn straw man, meaning someone or something can embody the qualities of a "poop jawn" metaphorically.
My n*gga you smoke poop jawns
Y u look like a poop jawn doe
by Napels January 28, 2015
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"jawn diggity" is an exaggerated version of the more popular "jawn bit", commonly used by residents of the Philadelphia metropolitan area.
by jawndiggityboy January 4, 2010
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cunt fuckers.we hate them, they suck. the end
by jawnathin December 3, 2007
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jill lyon, julie bustard, kim mann, and jack clarks marvel of a phrase. when said, there should always be dancing. people who use this word are very special indeed.
JAWN HOLLER! dance JAWN HOLLER! dancehmmmmmk?
by jawn holler October 10, 2004
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anybody thats not named JUAN BRITO
Juan Brito is not jawn
by jawnmasterj October 5, 2011
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