A boi is a lesbian or gender-queer person who identifies most with their male energy and presents themselves as male in their appearance. They may consider themselves to be of either gender although they are anatomically female.
"I love it when my girl tells me i've been a good boi."
by KariMelissa March 11, 2008
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street slang for heroin, similar to that white girl for cocaine.
by whatdafuhk June 6, 2007
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The boys is a brotherhood, and amazing thing, if you’re bored you can hop on Call of duty with the boys and have some fun, the boys are not limited to your friends anyone that is in the world renown group called “the boys” is a part of the brotherhood.
A - “I’m gonna get on Cod

B - “bet, lets get the boys“
by Alt girl eliminator October 26, 2020
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A disease that mainly infect the male gender, symptoms can include being male, white, straight, anti-LGBTQ, mainly supporting Donald Trump and being 12-16 years old. It is also identified as a massive cult on the app TikTok you can identify by their monkey profile pictures and they like to assume that they are top-notch but in reality they make fun of people who committed suicide because they bullied them into suicide.
TikToker #1: Are you apart of The Boys
TikToker #2: Yes
TikToker #1: No❤️
by nanceshipper xoxo October 6, 2020
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A group of incels that thinks r4pe jokes are funny
Ugh The boys are at it again
by Gabe itch5 September 19, 2020
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1.A young male who lacks maturity, judgment, and anything that has to do with common sense.
2.A sperm donor
3.A heartbreaker
A night with the boys becomes a great quarrel.
by Spencer Silver August 19, 2007
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