A group of bands consisting of Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance and Fall Ouy Boy. Each band represents a branch of "emo" or punk music. Panic! At The Disco represents electronic punk. Fall Out Boy represents punk rock. My Chemical Romance represents hardcore or metal punk. Most of the listeners of these three bands are girls but many are guys. Plenty of the girls are much more unique and creative than regular white girls.
Girl#1: Hey what are your favorite bands
Girl#2: I really like Fallout boy, Panic! And mcr
Girl#1:you like the emo trinity? Me too
by Animepancake November 23, 2014
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To have extreme and undying love for someone. You love this person so flipping much you two just have some sort of insane bond that could cause an atomic bomb. Its pretty hardcore.
Deng alex and david's emo bonds are like out of this world yo.
by Vee Gina January 17, 2009
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Emos are a hardcore, emotional community. They are usually shy and have an amazing taste in music. Their lifestyle isn't much different to the average person. They DO NOT self harm and are always the kindest people. They are great to talk to when you're having a great time. They embrace life and have a good knowledge. They are professional book worms as they love to read.
emo people
They are great people
by Embrace94 March 27, 2015
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an emo boi is usually nice but very anxious an afraid to talk to other people they may say uwu and owo many times to show affection. all clothes they own are black and nothing but black, the enjoy listening to MCR, pierce the vail, fall out boy, ect. so what do you say please be their friend they are very loyal!!!
that is such an emo boi
by an edgy boi August 31, 2019
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Person 1: ew it’s a rat!
Person 2: nah it’s just an mcr fan
by smolemobean October 5, 2019
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The sense of feeling sad or depressed
I was feeling emo after I failed my exams.
by wordcreater69 January 24, 2018
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Did you know that Reei is Adorably Emo?
Dude. Everyone knows that.
by Kahru September 14, 2019
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