Beast Riley is an Up-Coming Mid Carder in Wrestling, Future Hall Of Famer and World Champion.
I love Beast Riley
by IAmThe1Omega December 14, 2018
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Someone who is willing to fight even the toughest of people for you, even if he knows the risks.
Person 1: did you see my boyfriend standing up to the toughest guy in school??
Person 2: yeah. He really pulled a Beast Lander.
by Lander,themultipersonalityman February 19, 2022
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That weird uncanny valley way that MrBeast has his mouth open in literally every thumbnail of his videos. Neither a gape of surprise nor laughing, or anything a real human would do except when …
B: Dude, why is Jerome in the hospital with a throat injury?
A: He *begged* me to deep throat my cock! He literally gave me *beast mouth*!
B: OK, in that case I get it. ^^
by Evi1M4chine August 9, 2023
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what you listen when u would like to listen to sum smooth country but need to get hype up. sum good jams for this is sandy back allies, bitches in the boots, ripped jeans in New York, scruffy blunt
friend:man I want some country

friend 2:noo I want sum ting lit
me: what y'all need is some country rap hype beast
by m0bamba_lover_69 January 1, 2019
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Some one who comes on to you but is absolutely not for you ... usually lacks hygiene and or teeth and social skills.
Here come the ham hog eating wilda beast !

Run Dave run !
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