Represents the devil even says it in the Bible
by Big willie 69 October 27, 2018
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A person (normally a man) who has excessive facial hair and obese appearance, usually sweats a lot and talks like a spastic.
"Shit! seen him, what a total beast!"
by Comp June 15, 2003
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To describe something as awesome or great
My guy that shirt you're wearing is beast
by Sick gaems July 10, 2019
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Cuz', Fro-Man,Tough Dude, or Cool Guy --

"Imma knock you the 'beast' out!"
"Mayne, shut the 'beast' up!"
"What the 'beast'?"
"Oh 'beast' no"
by FLYwithMEfly! May 9, 2010
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An ex-lover and/or girlfriend, wife, or other relationship in which the female no longer plays a positive role in your life.
Guy 1: Hey, guess who I saw the other day.
Guy 2: Who?
Guy 1: The Beast.
Guy 2: Really? I haven't seen my beast in a while.


Boy do I feel sorry for the guy who's beast I had sex with last night! She's a keeper!
by TheLucky1 September 15, 2011
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