Noun with two meanings.

-referring to feces and waste matter
- a noun which can be used to replace a verb, meaning that the speaker doesn't have a clear idea of what they're referring to but know that they are referring to something.
'Aw man, I just took a huge shit.', meaning the speaker fired one out.

'Hey, you wanna go to town and shit?', which does not mean the speaker wants to use the toilets at a store on the high street. It means the speaker wants to go to town, but doesn't have a clear idea of what exactly to do there.
by GeekOnSugar January 30, 2010
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it, feces, crap, thing, a realization of nothing.
by noixz January 14, 2009
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shit is of course poop enough said but shit i also general things or you could be telling people to eat shit suck shit shitty job shitty place shitty house anything that is shitty makes it worse
my salad is ruined because a bird shit in it.
by ibeaperson July 10, 2010
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a quite respectful reference to religion. shit = religion
i dont beleive this shit
if shit happens it is will of allah
jesus : cursed are those who believe in shit without evidence for they shall have their life fucked up
by GSG9 December 20, 2013
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Used as an apprpriate gesture of surprise,or disgust. When combined with certain words, the meaning can swing:

Prefix 'the' = Great
Prefix 'oh' = Forgotten or found out something/denotes fear.
Suffix 'man' = Sympathy for oneself or other persons withint the vecinity or suprise, if voice raises octave
Suffic 'dude' = See above

"The shit"
"Oh Shit"
"Shit man!"
"The shit"
"Oh Shit"
"Oh Shit! That guy is gonna fucking kill me!"
"Shit man!"
by Marvin the Dork June 24, 2005
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englishman after 3 pints:I,m full.
Welshman:Yea full of FUCKING SHIT!
by sionimaesyrhandir July 11, 2008
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