The most amazing person ever. Andrew's are super cool. Everyone loves Andrew. No one can live without Andrew. Andrew gets all the ladies
Andrew: hi sam nami and tor!
All: zomg yes you're totally and Andrew! XDD
by Whitey123 December 21, 2006
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From the Greek name Ανδρεας, meaning "manly".

Also, a very sweet, kind, funny, and handsome guy who likes weirdly awesome technometal stuff and 80s' bands. This guy will make you fall for him instantly and never want to let him go, so watch out. He's also very tall and gives awesome spin-hugs. Andrew is a very cool person to spend time with. Everybody wants to marry an Andrew.
Girl 2: "Yeah, don't you just want to be with him forever?"
by Bluehairchick May 27, 2011
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A Greek name meaning "warrior".

There are several varieties of Andrew.

The most common type of Andrew is a guy, usually somewhat attractive, who gets all the girls, and is loyal, somewhat mean-spirited, athletic, flirty, talented, funny, popular, sexual, kinky, and fun to be around. He's very intelligent, but not in a nerdy way. He's a dedicated boyfriend and will never cheat on you or use you. If you meet an Andrew like this, consider yourself to be very fortunate.

On the other hand, there is another type of Andrew who is quite the opposite. He's unintelligent, unfaithful, annoying, guillible, and a bit of a poser. Never date this kind; he will use you for sex, then cheat on you with one of your "friends".
Stacy: Who is that?
Yvonne: That's Andrew. He's really funny, and really hot and awesome.
Stacy: Oh... Definitely not like my ex boyfriend Andrew. He was a fugly dumbass.
by p-p-p-poker face? July 3, 2009
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Andrew is the awesomest person ever. He's so cool, I don't even know how cool he is. If you are his bestfriend, you are beyond lucky. If he is your bestfriend, take advantage of it. Because Andrew's are special.
Andrew Torres
by iLiKePoO May 22, 2011
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The best friend and boyfriend you could ever imagine. He is incredibly sweet and considerate and will always treat you right. Usually into nerdtastic things like Dr. Who and My Little Pony. Also very good at fixing things, especially if its electronic. Good kisser and attractive too ;)
Person 1: He took me out to a super nice restaurant and then we snuggled up to Firefly.
Person 2: He is such an Andrew
by LoveBunny1031 January 29, 2012
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Someone who plays multiple sports but takes them way to seriously. If this person doesn't get perfection in their sports they become very emotional and can start to cry. These people also like to play, they go after girl after girl cause they usually always get rejected.
Billy: Hey Andrew wanna go hit some baseballs
Andrew: sorry i cant im tryin to get with this girl right now but it aint working
by swaggycashmmoney23 May 4, 2020
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The name of a amazing guy. Andrew is smart, funny, caring, athletic, and just fun to be around. If you haven't met an Andrew like this, you don't know what you are missing.
Person 1: "Have you met Andrew?"
Person 2: "No"
Person 1: "Well you should, he's a great person."
by 012345678901... March 12, 2010
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