Tumblr is a place where people hate themselves and love Satan.
Amandi: you should visit Tumblr
Jamie: Yeah, OK. I'll do it for you.
*One Week Later*
Amandi: How was it?
Jamie: I HATE MYSELF!!! Satan is so misunderstood
Amandi: *claps hands together* *Opens Tumblr* *doesn't come back until a month*
by Inspiretobeyou July 16, 2018
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A website and app that can ban 'female presenting nipples' but can't ban racism and nazi's
Person 1: "Hey did you hear about Tumblr"
Person 2: "Yeah, they're banning all adult content from the 17th of December 2018 but can't seem to ban racism".
by Gucci Tae December 8, 2018
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The end of your social life. It is probably one of the main reasons your are single.
"She's so pretty, why is she still single?"


by myfailedlife January 11, 2016
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"Oh, whacha doin' later today?"

**Hisses at outside contact** "Tumblr."
by nostalgicviews April 21, 2013
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1.A website with two sides: the hipster blogs, which aren't that interesting, and the fandoms. The fandom side of Tumblr tends to be the most popular side because it's just weird. Just plain disturbing.
2. Go on Google Translate and type in "tumblr." Translate it into Irish and then translate the Irish into English. There you go.
What did you do last night?
Oh, I just went on Tumblr.
Last time I went on there, I posted a quote from 50 Shades Of Gray. No-one got freaked out, they just posted a GIF from Supernatural.
by vickachu August 16, 2014
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The mental asylum of the Internet from which all good humor originates.
Guy 1: You should check my tumblr blog!
Guy 2: is it weird as shit like every other tumblr blog?
by Loopdydoo November 18, 2014
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