The first expansion to the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.
Acronym for The Burning Crusade is "TBC"
I was playing The Burning Crusade all last night, It's awesome!
by Been 1337-hax0r1ng it up. June 12, 2016
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the trio miami heat of bosh wade and lebron who will dominate 99.9 % of a game and hope to win more championships then kobey and the lakers
whos coming into town next. the black crusaders , shit we lost but hey at least were selling out the arena that night
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A black hole of time, do not venture close if you value productivity. Watch as the most virtuous person succumbs to murdering children for land and money. 10/10 will play for hours on end
"I should play Crusader Kings 2 and learn more about medieval times" *two hours later* "GOD, why wont this 12 year old marry my 56 year old king!? I only murdered her father and sold her mother into slavery!"
by kod15 January 26, 2014
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When leftists try to shame you for your sex orientation, color of skin or political opinion, assault you, threaten you, harass you, your job and your family so your political opinions shift even further right
2020 riots created a dangerous Gypsy Crusader effect
by December 10, 2020
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A student group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ran for the sole purpose of extracting serious lulz from the otherwise deadened student populace. The organization is a grotesque parody of the Campus Crusade for Christ but does reflect the cult-like following the works of Lovecraft et al. have garnered at MIT. Various activities include Sunday readings from the Necronomicon, the BBQ goat sacrifice during Campus Preview Weekend and Rush, and idol crafting circles. Their goal is to ensure they are eaten last when Cthulhu devours the they can watch everyone else's suffering.
Student 1: "Hey, you gonna join CCC?"
Student 2: "Yeah, Christ rocks!"
Student 1: "Oh, no, man, I was talking about the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu!"

CCCMIT member: "Join us, and you shall be devoured last when mighty Cthulhu awakens and rises from the city of R'yleh!"
by MITFroshling#1 December 12, 2010
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When someone urinates in another persons' mouth and they gargle it like mouth wash, then spit it out.
Use the power of the toxic crusader to get rid of that morning breath.
by smangit007style April 5, 2017
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