For a persons mind to be filled with quotes and images from the 2019 film musical 'Cats'. Typically an unwanted ailment.
by Gh0stfac3-tay July 22, 2023
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WOOOOOOOOW! That is unreal!
Hym “A RIDDLE!? What the fuck are you talking about!? That is fascinating! Watching this inarticulate slob flesh out ideas he stole as clumsily as humanly possible is actually painful. Are the 300,000 that added themselves after I told them to go over there seeing this? This is unbelievable!”
by Hym Iam September 29, 2022
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A riddle can be a confusing question, it doesn't make any sense but there is an answer.
Riddle - I have two hands but no body, what am I?

Answer - A clock.
by biellyi March 15, 2023
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Riddle is a fag
by riddle1120 September 3, 2021
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When a excessive bitch keeps asking you the answer to the riddle and it's been a year so far and still haven't told her
Gracie just figure the fucking riddle out
by Tommy 420 March 8, 2019
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A Slytherin guy, who is often found trying to kill Harry at the end of each of the books in some way or another.

Also known as the Muggle name for Lord Voldemort.
V/TMR: Voldemort is my past, present and future. - Tom writes his name in midair. Tom Marvolo Riddle rearranges it's letters to spell I am Lord Voldemort-
H: -gasps-
by KillerBangs May 4, 2023
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