used to describe someone’s amazing personality, and their advanced ability to form complex and logical conclusions.
kevin is not dense
by kevin is stupid123 January 8, 2022
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When someone is beyond stupid that you doubt they even have a brain
“Hey Dude, you know that new girl Kayla?”
“Gay Kayla?”
“Yeah, she’s fucking dense
by Dense3000 February 14, 2019
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When a person is stubborn, or doesn't wanna do anything they are told.
Guy 1: "Dude i asked my girl to get me some dorritos on her way to the gym, she told me to get my lazy ass up and do it my self".

Guy 2: "Bruh she's always dense as fuck".
by DangerRus February 21, 2016
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Someone who can drink an imhuman amount of beer. Usually quickly and without spilling any.
Gronk is so dense. He drinks beer faster than anyone ive seen.
by Alienlyfe February 7, 2019
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Better than Thicc, a banging baddie.
"Damn, did you see her ass? She's dense!"
by Erin Anne October 21, 2022
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lunchbox512 : hello there
literally everyone : ahh, you must be Mr. dense
by StarkGaryen November 15, 2020
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Describing a person who consistently fails to grasp or understand basic information, concepts, or social cues, often to a degree that suggests a lack of common sense or perception. Often used to imply stubbornness or a lack of insight.
(Your team mate on R6 literally throws a 1v1 on overtime match point by looking the complete opposite way despise clearly hearing their footsteps)

Top Frag Player: "Team mate!!! You're actually fucking DENSE!!!" (Punches their monitor)
by Oslott October 11, 2023
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