Watch out that boy brett powell beat the shit outta timothy hilton
by Brett Powell March 1, 2023
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To "whack it" or "pull pud" out of desperation and necessity, often times in what would be widely considered an embarrassing fashion and coated in a stench of relative desperation. Could potentially be the result of repeated female rejection, spurned camping-related advances, and as an adverse byproduct of artificially fabricated 'swag'.
"That guy in the Iron Man tighty-whities is making passionate, ANGRY love to himself..."
"Haha yup, pulling a powell.. we all been there."
by JackDonaghy June 11, 2015
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A stupid cunt that is queerer than a 3 dollar bill with a dick the size nickel
by Pscates21 November 14, 2017
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naomi is a word for a girl who has no butt
wow naomi powell is soo flat
by omgblah April 4, 2017
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An over exaggeration of numbers/amounts
There's a million enemies there
There's 4, stop using the Powell Principle
by On't Bonce November 2, 2023
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The opposite of "to pull a POWELL", which means to leak sensitive information, causing sever problems for Apple Coorporation! The ability to prevent one from "pulling a Powell".
Dude, you almost left that prototype smart phone on the counter, but my Powell-oversight snatched it off the counter before any Geeks got a look.
by P_008 July 29, 2010
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